Education Support Personnel Day

Education, and the staff working in schools in Ontario has changed and progressed over time.  It has progressed into a holistic, inclusive programme that supports students and their families in achieving their full potential. Today we take a moment and think of our Education Support Personnel, who see the value in and have love for all the students they serve. 

We want to recognize the hard work and dedication of all those who are the organizers, the planners and the fixers without whom our schools would not run.  This group of people, though essential to serving our students, are often the unsung heroes of our schools.  We see what you do and we see how you serve.  We will try to capture some of that now.

To the Educational Assistants who work tirelessly year after year with the same student, who help students learn, after three years, that aggression is not the only way to have their needs met, or learn how to tie their shoes, or shows for the very first time that they appreciate you – thank-you for your stamina and perseverance.

To the Office Administrators who are the heart and soul of our schools and offices, whether you organize our students or our staff or both, you are the people turned to with questions, for assistance and for answers – thank-you for knowledge and organization.

To the Technicians who keep the heartbeat of the Board working, you ensure that staff can best utilize technology to inspire and that students have what they need for optimal learning, for working tirelessly during the summer to ensure that items are ready for staff and students in September – thank-you for your diligence and efficiency.

To the Early Childhood Educators who work with our youngest and neediest learners, who come to work each day with the joy of knowing that there will be tears to dry, toys to share, friendships to be made and school readiness skills to be taught and love every moment of it – thank-you for your patience and kindness.

To the Library Technicians who bring stories to life and spark the imaginations of our students, and who have the gift of putting the perfect book into the hands of a staff member at a moments notice – thank-you for your inspiration and creativity.

To the PSSPs who work tirelessly to ensure that every child has the chance to learn when and where they’re ready, who include the excluded, who ask ‘what is possible?’ instead of listing what’s not, who fully understand the importance and the impact of a positive relationship, who understand and give space for a child’s free will but also understand how to encourage and foster engagement – thank-you for your enthusiasm and the space you create for relationships.

To our Custodial and Maintenance Staff who ensure that we are all in clean and well-maintained schools, who ensure our health and safety and make it the priority every day – thank-you for being observant and for your care of others.

On this World Education Support Personnel Day, we recognize and thank you for your inclusion, humility, compassion, empathy and grace.  We wish you a wonderful World Education Support Personnel Day.