Facilities and Operations » Green Energy Act

Green Energy Act

Green Energy Act Report

Under the Ministry of Energy’s Green Energy Act (GEA), Ontario Regulation 397-11, Broader Public Sector organizations, such as school boards, are required to report annually on the energy consumption of their sites through an annual GEA report.  The first submission is due on July 1, 2013 for the 2011-2012 fiscal year.

Each board is required to report on the energy use by all facilities currently in-use by the Board.  The use of electricity, natural gas and heating oil for each building is identified in the report below.  The report has been generated using the Ministry of Energy’s reporting template.

As part of Ontario Regulation 397-11, Boards are required to submit their completed report to the Ministry of Energy, post this consumption data for all their sites on both their internet and intranet sites, and provide a hard copy at their Head Office to any interested member of the public.