Wellington Catholic District School Board Staff Census
Wellington Catholic DSB requested all staff to participate in the “We Are All Wonderfully Made” Workplace Staff Census to measure the diversity of our organization’s staff relative to the diversity of the regional or provincial workforce. Statistics Canada (StatsCan) provides labour market comparator data in just four demographic categories that align with the federal Employment Equity Act: women, people with disabilities, Aboriginal peoples, and visible minorities (all terms as found in the reference materials). Consistent with a growing number of employers, school boards recognize the need to inquire beyond these four categories to provide fair and equitable workplaces and learning environments that reflect Ontario’s diversity.
A workforce census is a count of employees in an organization, used to gather a more detailed picture of staff in the workplace. The information collected through a workforce census can help organizations better understand and serve the interests of all employees.
The purpose of the workforce census is to understand the demographic reality of our entire staff. We believe that the census will help Wellington Catholic DSB to identify strengths and barriers to equity and inclusion, and to develop plans and supports to address workplace equity. The information from the data will allow us to identify the next steps we need to take to create an equitable and supporting workplace for all employee groups. Our goal is for our students to recognize themselves and their classmates reflected in their school experience. That is, in their curriculum, but also in the teacher, administrative and support staff who serve in our schools.
To view the report from the workforce census, please visit the following document: