Project SEARCH hosted at the University of Guelph kicks off today with Signing Day Ceremony

For Immediate Release | Eight interns began their Project SEARCH journey at the first Project SEARCH program to be hosted at a university in Canada, following today’s signing day ceremony at the University of Guelph.
Project SEARCH is a unique school-to-work training program for students with disabilities. Students, known as interns in the program, will be immersed at the University of Guelph receiving more than 700 hours of hands-on work experience geared to in-demand roles in our local labour market.
“This day is so symbolic, not only for the interns, but also in recognizing the two year journey in making this program a reality here in Guelph-Wellington,” shared Janet Doner, manager, campus and community integrated learning and the University of Guelph, and Project SEARCH business liaison. “Jeff Mawhinney, former Special Education Program Coordinator at the Wellington Catholic District School Board had a vision of seeing motivated high school students with intellectual and developmental disabilities have better access to training and experience that would lead to meaningful employment.”
Canada’s first Project SEARCH program to be hosted at a Canadian university has been the result of a partnership Wellington Catholic District School Board, Upper Grand District School Board, University of Guelph, and March of Dimes Canada.
“While the courtship took some time, we are thrilled to be the first University in Canada to be a host business site for Program SEARCH. We love experiential learning! We love supporting students to be the best version of themselves! And we love collaborating on thoughtful, innovative, community-based, education initiatives,” Doner continued at today’s ceremony. “To all our interns, you have taken a courageous step in your personal and professional development, and we could not be more thrilled to have you be part of our community.”
At today’s ceremony, Project SEARCH Skills Support Specialists, teachers, and community partners from the March of Dimes Canada and the University of Guelph spoke with interns about their upcoming employment, followed by the special Signing Day Ceremony where interns signed their certificate alongside University of Guelph representatives.
“It has been incredible to watch Project SEARCH at the University of Guelph grow from the initial vision to now come to fruition – today is a really proud moment for us as educators,” shared Michael Glazier, director of education for the Wellington Catholic DSB. “As a Catholic education institution, Project SEARCH aligns with all elements of our Catholic Social Teachings, and we are excited to see these students begin their journey today. We thank all of our partners for their incredible work to date, and the staff members who are continuing to lead this program.”
Over the course of the program year, interns will be employed at the university completing a variety of jobs including those within hospitality, athletics, the bookstore, child care, physical resources, experiential learning centre, the Ontario Veterinarian College small animal clinic, the organic farm and the radio station.
For more information please contact:
Ali Lupal, Communication and Community Engagement Lead
[email protected]
Wellington Catholic District School Board consists of 18 elementary schools, three secondary schools and an alternative education program. We are proud to meet the educational interests of near 9,000 students in the City of Guelph and the County of Wellington.
About Project SEARCH: Project SEARCH was developed at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, which is still the administrative headquarters for the organization. Project SEARCH is a business-led, one-year internship program for young people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Most participants are enrolled while transitioning from high school to work. The hallmark of Project SEARCH is total workplace immersion, which facilitates a seamless combination of classroom instruction, career exploration, and hands-on training leading to acquisition of marketable work skills. Project SEARCH's goal is to secure competitive, integrated employment for every program participant.