Wellington Catholic DSB Results Exceed All Grade 3, 6 and 9 EQAO Provincial Rates in 2023-2024
The Education Quality and Accountability Office (EQAO) has publicly released their 2023-2024 student achievement results of the primary, junior, Grade 9 assessments and Ontario Secondary School Literacy test.
Included in these results are the Grade 9 mathematics assessment, Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test and the Grade 3 and 6 reading, writing and mathematics assessments, which provide insight into whether students are meeting curriculum expectations in reading, writing and mathematics at key stages of their education.
“We congratulate our students on their efforts and achievements on the 2023-24 EQAO assessments. We are pleased that our students are continuing to do well on the provincial tests, exceeding the provincial averages in most areas, and we are focusing efforts to continue to improve outcomes for student learning in future assessments. We thank our teachers, principals, and education support staff for their great work in supporting student achievement throughout this past year, ” shared Michael Glazier, Wellington Catholic DSB Director of Education.
The data provided reflects that Wellington Catholic DSB student results were elevated over provincial averages in EQAO Grade 9 mathematics assessments, Grade 3 and Grade 6 reading, writing and math.
“Wellington Catholic DSB created and implemented a Math Achievement Action Plan in 2023/24 that included professional development for primary, junior, and intermediate teachers on math content knowledge and using high impact instructional practices in mathematics. Professional development was provided through math facilitators, teacher release, and math workshops on the September and April professional activity days. Increasing educator math content knowledge and instructional practice has had a positive effect on our students’ understanding of foundational math concepts and skills. Wellington Catholic DSB EQAO math scores have surpassed the province in all grades; however, we are committed to improving our current achievement through the implementation of this year’s Math Action Plan,” shared Betty Farrell, Wellington Catholic DSB Superintendent of Student Achievement.
Wellington Catholic DSB personnel will now use the provincial assessment data to inform and guide school improvement plans for student achievement as well as various professional activity initiatives.
For full Wellington Catholic DSB results please visit https://www.eqao.com/results/?orgType=B&mident=67130&yearnum=2024