Personal technology has developed from an idea to an everyday experience, connecting people globally. Preparing students for success in a dynamic, technology-intensive world is changing how we learn and teach, how students learn and how we assess student learning. We need to respond to these changes and equip our students with the 21st century knowledge and skills they need today and for their future. The following vision and strategic directions have been developed to help guide our work in technology and pedagogy.
Our vision…
Innovation is grounded in curriculum design and instructional practice that emphasizes the development of 21st century competencies that will enable students to face complex challenges now and in the future.
Tech-Enabled Learning at Wellington Catholic DSB
Desire to Learn (D2L) is the official virtual learning environment for Wellington CDSB. All students have access to this safe online environment where they can learn and collaborate with their teachers and classmates.
Wellington students are also supplied with a variety of Google and Microsoft applications. Students are encouraged to take advantage of these tools when completing assignments, creating artifacts or taking notes.
Wellington CDSB is a member of the Ontario eLearning Consortium (OeLC). This allows Wellington students to access online learning classes being offered by boards across the province.
Graduates of Ontario Secondary Schools must complete two online learning courses. However, students can opt-out of this requirement if online learning does not need their needs as a learner. Please see your Guidance department for more information about the opt-out process.