Student Trustee Application and Election

Each year, the principal of each secondary school, in conjunction with the schools student government, will select representatives to serve as members of the Student Senate for the upcoming year. This process takes place in February each year.  From the membership of the Student Senate, two Student Trustees will be elected to represent the Student Senate and the students of the Wellington Catholic District School Board as members of the Board of Trustees.

The two Student Trustees are elected to sit on the Board of Trustees attend board and committee meetings and act as a link to students, the Board and school communities. They prepare monthly reports to the Board of Trustees and attend Board functions as student representatives. They also attend all Student Senate meetings and work closely with the Student Senate members and school communities to empower and promote student voice and engagement across the district.

Students who will be in the senior division (Grades 11 and 12) at the time of their term of office are eligible to apply for the position of Student Trustee and members of the student senate.  More information about qualifications to serve as a Student Trustee can be found in the attached policy or by speaking with the school principal.

How to Apply?

  • Speak to your principal if you are interested in applying.

  • Ensure you meet the Criteria for Becoming a Student Trustee -  See the policy below - Section 2-Qualifications, pages 3,4.

  • To understand the role and responsibilities of student trustee, please read the Policy Regulations  in the Student Trustee Representation Policy – See policy below  

  • Fill out the online Expression of Interest for Student Trustee Form (pages 9,10) and submit to your Principal.

  • Principals and parents will complete their portion of the information on the Expression of Interest for Student Trustee Form (pages 11,12).

  • Members of the Student Senate will be selected.

  • If interested in being a Student Trustee, you will make a presentation at the Board Student Senate Meeting. The final decision for two (2) Board student trustee representatives is made by the current and incoming Board Student Senate.

  • Announcement of Student Trustees at the Board of Trustees Meeting.