Student Achievement Plan

On July 28, 2023, the Ministry of Education released a memorandum communicating key regulatory and policy reforms in support of the Better Schools and Student Outcomes Act, 2023, including a new regulation on provincial priorities in the area of student achievement:

Achievement of Learning Outcomes in Core Academic Skills
Preparation of Students for Future Success
Student Engagement and Well-Being
As part of the July memorandum, the ministry released a Student Achievement Plan framework, which is aligned with the above provincial student achievement priorities. The framework sets out goals and performance indicators for school boards to measure student achievement, develop action plans and monitor their progress on improving student outcomes.

The Ministry of Education has provided school boards with the Student Achievement Plan template with school board and provincial results on these key performance indicators.  Please note, data for some indicators are still forthcoming from the Ministry of Education and this template will be updated accordingly.

A copy of the template and provincial results can be found here:

Wellington Catholic DSB and Provincial Results

This information is being shared with all families within the Wellington Catholic District School Board and presentations regarding the results will be made to the Board of Trustees, Indigenous Education Advisory Council, Special Education Advisory Council, and Catholic Parent Involvement Committee. 

School Boards are to complete a Ministry Student Achievement Plan Tool to assist with the analysis of data and to aid in planning for related action plans.  This tool will be completed by June 30th and updates may be made to the Student Achievement Plan template accordingly.