12 Days of Giving Providing Support to Salvation Army

Since the beginning of December, the school community of St. Ignatius Catholic School collected items of need for the Salvation Army.

Their 12 Days of Giving saw classrooms site-wide bring in a specific item each day in support of families in the community.

“12 Days of Giving is new to us this year. We were approached by the Salvation Army after doing a Thanksgiving food drive for them. They put together a list of items that are most in need and assigned one day to collect a specific item for 12 days,” shared Michelle Nagy, vice-principal of St. Ignatius.

Among the items of need were deodorant, toothpaste, canned beans, tomato soup, shampoo, crackers, body wash, coffee and tea, toothbrush, conditioner, juice, hand soap and socks.

“We have started a competition between each division to see which class can bring in the most over the 12 days. The first day we collected 150 deodorants. The second day we exceeded 300 tubes of toothpaste,” she said.

Finishing on Friday, the donations will be delivered to the Salvation Army early next week.

“Supporting the Salvation Army helps us to realize how fortunate we are and how great it feels to give back to the community,” said Nagy. “We are doing our part in teaching the students to be global citizens and contributing to local initiatives to make a difference.”

While it is not yet an annual event, they hope to make it one.

“We are so proud of all of our students for contributing to the 12 Days of Giving and we can't wait to see the final results,” she said.