St. James CHS Students Thriving in New Kitchen Brigades Program

Students at St. James Catholic High School are cooking up a storm led by the guidance of Sleeman Centre head chef Sam Fouda in the schools brand new program – Kitchen Brigades.

Kitchen Brigades is an after-school program for students to learn cooking techniques and understand food in general. Over the course of a 24-week period, students spend one evening a week with Fouda who guides them through a number of approachable and multi-cultural dishes.

New to St. James CHS, 27 students ranging from grade 9 through 12 enthusiastically signed up to take part in Kitchen Brigades.

“We follow a curriculum provided by Kitchen Brigades and every week there's a recipe to follow,” shared Fouda. “I'm really glad to be here we’re having a lot of fun.”

As a St. James CHS alumni who participated in SHSM Hospitality program, Fouda was approached by St. James CHS teacher, Alicja Reynolds, who oversees the program, along with educator’s Grace Lyle and Melissa Palmeri, to lead the students through the program.

“A lot of students from our younger grades signed up and they're extremely passionate about being here. They love listening to Sam, they seem very excited,” said Palmeri. "They learn how to cook for the future. You know, some students come out of high school and they don't know how to cook - this is a great program for them. Additionally, it helps kick start those students who have a passion for becoming a chef, someday working in some sort of culinary business."

Among those students who are passionate for cooking are Emma Ingram, grade 10, and Jordan Sorbara, grade 11. Both Ingram and Sorbara enthusiastically signed up for the program right when they heard about it.

“Cooking is fun,” shared Jordan Sorbara Grade 11 student. “I just like cooking, I cook dinner every night for my family.”

“I've always just loved cooking. So it was definitely something that really interested me,” added Emma Ingram Grade 10. “I would definitely recommend Kitchen Brigades.”

As a St. James CHS alumni, Fouda can relate to students, having been in their position less than a decade ago.

“When I was here, there were no extracurriculars like this program,” he shared. “If this program was around when I was in here, I would have definitely been a part of it.”

The opportunity to participate in the program was made possible by support from the school board, with the majority of the cost being subsidized by corporate sponsors.

“Kitchen Brigades is great, we hope more and more students will become involved,” said Palmeri.